How Many Hours A Day Should I Wear My Dentures?

Dentures are a type of dental prosthetic designed to restore the smiles of patients with badly damaged or missing teeth. They are removable and custom-made to suit each patient’s mouth.

Even so, getting used to dentures takes a bit of time. Many patients struggle with a strange sensation when they have their dentures on, especially when they eat or speak. But wearing your dentures correctly is the secret to getting used to them.

So, how many hours a day should you wear your dentures? Well, that depends. Keep reading to find out more.


How to Wear Dentures Correctly

Right when you get your new dentures, it’s important to give your gums enough time to adjust to the prosthetic. As a result, you should wear them for around 8 hours a day.

It’s generally recommended to take them out when you go to bed, but you also shouldn’t eat with your dentures in the beginning. Your gums might be a bit sore, and adding extra pressure during chewing will only make the discomfort worse.

With time, you should be able to wear your dentures when eating as well and only remove them at night, before bed.


What Happens If You Don’t Wear Your Dentures Long Enough?

Because they can cause discomfort, it’s very tempting to stop wearing your dentures. While yes, if you’re experiencing pain and have even developed sores, you can remove the dentures, not wearing them for too long can have consequences too.

The most common issue is that, at some point, your dentures will stop fitting. This means you’ll need to get a new pair. But long-term, it can also cause the bones and gums to shrink, changing your facial features.


How Do I Adjust to New Dentures?

With a bit of planning, you can get used to your new dentures. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Never sleep with your dentures on.
  • Avoid eating with them in the first few days.
  • Start by eating soft foods with your dentures, such as mashed potatoes and soups.
  • Slowly add harder foods to your diet, and chew slowly.
  • Take a break from your dentures if you’re feeling sore, and gently massage your gums to relieve discomfort.
  • Practice speaking with your dentures in a mirror to grow your confidence.
  • Speak to your dentist if you can’t get used to your dentures even after applying these strategies.


Getting Dentures: Is That the Right Solution for You?

Dentures can be an excellent choice to restore your smile. The best way to know for sure if they’re a good solution for you is to see Valparaiso dentist for a consultation.

Based on a thorough assessment of your oral health, he can lead you to the best treatment plan to restore both the look and function of your smile.

To get started, schedule a visit with Brad Wisowaty, DDS online.

"I am a dentist who loves being a dentist. No judging, no moral high horse. Just honest, quality dental care provided with passion."

 – Dr. Brad Wisowaty

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